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9 Ways to welcome spring into your home
9 Ways to welcome spring into your home

It’s time to welcome spring into your home! 

“Spring: a reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.”


Can you feel it in the air? 

Spring is officially on its way, bringing with it a sense of rejuvenation and new beginnings. As the days grow noticeably longer and the weather becomes brighter and warmer, there is no better way to embrace it than by inviting it into your home. 

It’s the perfect time to emerge from hibernation. Shake off the darkness and heaviness of winter, and welcome the natural freshness that spring has to offer. 

I love British seasons, each one for a different reason and the feelings it evokes. I really love autumn, but there’s just something about spring that brings a lightness to my soul. It’s exciting and happy and full of hope. The days are longer and brighter, and the change brings with it an opportunity to take stock of where you are, assess how your home is serving you and set intentions for the coming months.

Whether you want to make big changes or echo the season in an understated way, by refreshing your home, you’re not only creating an environment that reflects your personal style but also a sanctuary in which you can recharge and relax. 


Home is not a place, it’s a feeling.


The power and ability to create that feeling is yours for the taking. 

As you witness nature beginning to blossom, take this opportunity to breathe new life into your home and embrace the coming of spring with these nine simple ideas.


9 Ways to welcome spring into your home


1. Assess

Assessing your home, creating a vision and setting intentions is essential if you are to achieve what you desire. 

To get started, take a walk through each room and notice how it makes you feel. Is it cosy and inviting? Or does it need a little TLC? Perhaps a furniture reshuffle? Pay attention to any areas that need decluttering and organising. 

Once you have a clear vision of how you want your home to look and feel, set some intentions. Prioritise them into a list of specific goals for each space. This will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the process.


2. Declutter

Decluttering when spring arrives is a great way to create space, freshen up your living space and start the season with a calm and clutter-free environment. 

Create a manageable plan by breaking down the decluttering process into smaller tasks and allocate specific days or times to tackle each area. 

Begin by decluttering small areas like drawers or shelves and with categories that are easier to deal with, such as clothes. This will build momentum, exercise the decluttering muscle and make it easier to tackle more difficult decisions later on. 

As a general rule of thumb, keep the things that bring you joy and let go of the unnecessary. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Donate your decluttered items to local charities or sell them online, allowing someone else to benefit from the things you no longer need. 

To maintain a clutter-free home and prevent future clutter build-up, it is important to regularly evaluate and edit your belongings. This will also help you to become a more conscious consumer in the longer term. The start of each new season is a great time to do it. 

Lastly, everything in your home needs a home. After decluttering, take the time to categorise and organise the remaining items in a way that makes sense to you. Use storage solutions like bins, baskets, and shelves to keep things tidy and enjoy the benefits of owning less.


3. Spring clean

Cleaning deals with dirt and tidying deals with objects. You can’t clean quickly or effectively if a space is messy or cluttered. That’s why it’s important to tackle the decluttering before the cleaning. 

Spring cleaning is traditionally a deep clean of the home tackling those things we often forget about and don’t feel like doing during the darker, colder months of winter, for example, washing the windows, cleaning the skirting boards etc. 

Read more: 7 Simple steps to make cleaning as easy as possible

Now it’s warmer, you’re more likely to feel motivated to take advantage of the weather and open your windows and doors to let the fresh air in. Whether you do it all in one weekend or spread it out over a few weeks, it’s up to you. I prefer breaking it down into manageable chunks and tackling it in zones, one room per week. If you like the sound of cleaning without the overwhelm, you are welcome to join me and follow along with my guided zone cleaning programme.

Download your free Zone Cleaning checklist HERE


4. Edit your wardrobe

Spring is a time of transition, and a well-planned spring capsule wardrobe can make getting dressed in the morning effortless, efficient and easy. 

It’s time to say goodbye to overstuffed cupboards and drawers and say no to bulging wardrobes full of clothes that you never wear. If you have lots of clothes but feel like you have nothing to wear, you’re not alone and it’s time to change that! 

A full wardrobe edit takes time and can feel overwhelming. I recommend tackling it in sections if you have a lot to sort through.

Remove the items from your wardrobe and lay them on your bed or a clean surface. This will allow you to see everything you own and make decisions. Ask yourself some questions to determine whether to keep, donate, or discard. Be honest with yourself and only keep items that you truly love and feel good in. 

Reorganise them back into your wardrobe in a way that makes sense to you. Donate or sell the items that no longer serve you. If your wardrobe is small or you have a lot of out-of-season items, you may want to store them elsewhere. This will help you to keep your wardrobe as spacious as possible and showcase the garments you want to wear now.


5. Spring decor

Emulate the vibrant colours of spring by adding floral elements into your home decor. Experiment with floral-patterned or pastel-coloured soft furnishings that are easy to incorporate and an inexpensive way to add small seasonal touches around your home. 

Try switching out your cushion covers, throws, table linens, bedding or towels. How about adding a beautiful spring wreath to your front door and boosting your home’s kerb appeal at the same time? 

By freshening up with these smaller decor pieces and accessories, you can instantly transform your space without too much effort. 

On the other hand, you may want to make a significant change to a space. This is the perfect time of year to update your home’s colour scheme. Go all out and add a fresh coat of paint in a cheery spring colour. It will breathe new life into your space and liven it up. Just make sure it’s a colour you’ll still enjoy the rest of the year too!


6. Bring the Outdoors In

As the weather warms up, reconnect with nature and welcome it indoors by adding houseplants, fresh flowers and greenery to your home. 

Find low-maintenance plants that are easy to look after such as snake plants and spider plants. Not only will they improve air quality, but they also add a touch of greenery that will instantly uplift your space. 

Read more: 10 Best air-purifying plants for the bedroom to sleep & breathe better

Tulips and daffodils are associated with the arrival of spring. They are the perfect choice to add a burst of colour and beauty to your space. Dot them around your home in little vases to make the space feel cheerful and inviting. They’re easy to find in the supermarket and are very affordable. 

If real plants and flowers aren’t your thing, go for faux versions instead and you’ll get the same look without the worry of keeping them alive (just remember to run a duster over them every once in a while!).


7. Go outside

If you’re lucky and the weather is kind, it might be the perfect time to start enjoying your outdoor areas again. 

Spruce up your balcony, patio, or garden and create a cosy, inviting space where you can relax, spend time with friends and family and sit in the spring sunshine. Pop a few seasonal plants in your tubs and borders or simply enjoy watching the spring bulbs bloom that you planted last year! 

A few blankets kept close by will be a welcome touch and will allow you to sit out for longer to enjoy the sun going down in the evening.


8. Lighten up

Kiss goodbye to heavy winter quilts and throws, and switch to lighter togs and natural fabrics that allow your body to breathe. 

Check your window treatments, and if you switch your curtains to a lighter fabric, it’s time to do it now. 

In addition to colour, spring also brings an abundance of natural light. It’s the perfect time to pull back your curtains, open your windows, and let that natural light pour in. Not only does this create a bright and airy atmosphere, but it also has a positive impact on our mood and well-being, especially first thing in the morning.


9. Spring scents

It’s time to pack away the warmer, spicier scents of winter and switch to fresher fragrances for the home in citrus, floral, or herbal notes, such as eucalyptus, cherry blossom or lemon. 

Try layering up your fragrances using scented candles, essential oils, room sprays and reed diffusers. My favourite home fragrance scent for spring is The White Company’s aptly named Spring range. 

You could also extend this to your cleaning products, laundry detergent or dishwashing detergent too. Look for seasonal limited edition versions of your favourites next time you need to purchase a new one. It will help to make the daily mundane tasks you do every day that little bit more pleasurable. 

Of course, you don’t need to stop there. Why not do the same with your body fragrances, lotions and perfumes and enjoy some floral or fruity scents for spring? They say a change is as good as a rest after all!



I  hope that these 9 ways to welcome spring into your home will help you to embrace the new season – and put a spring into your step! By incorporating these simple yet impactful tips, you can create a home that feels fresh, rejuvenated and joyful. 

Whether it’s adding a pop of colour with seasonal flowers, decluttering to create space or inviting in the natural light, each step brings you closer to a home that blooms alongside the season. I’d love to see what you do with this inspiration – share your photos of the seasonal touches you’ve added to your home with me on Instagram!  


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