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How to reset your home for the new year declutter organise
How to reset your home for the new year

Let’s reset your home for the coming year…

“A new year…a fresh, clean start. It’s like having a big white sheet of paper to draw on.”

Bill Watterson 

Happy New Year!

The festive season is behind us, and January is in full swing. And, if you’re anything like me, you’ll be feeling glad to get some routine and normality back into your life! 

Life gets so busy in the run-up to Christmas and New Year, that it can be a challenge to remember what day it is, never mind keeping up with all the chores and jobs that need doing around the house. 

When life gets busy, our homes get busy. 

If your house got a little neglected and out of control during the holidays, you’re not alone. Things in the wrong place. Furniture moved around. Gifts needing a home. You know what I’m talking about. 

The decorations come down and suddenly we see our home laid bare. With a fresh pair of eyes and a feeling of renewed energy we want it sorted, but with so much to do, where do we start?


We start with a New Year Home Reset!


Before I share my tips, let’s get clear on what a home reset actually is…

A home reset is the process of getting your home and possessions back to a baseline of clean, tidy and clutter-free. A pleasant, functional space where you can live, work, play and relax every single day. Less is more.

Have you ever tried to clean a room that’s cluttered and out of control – only to find yourself going around in circles achieving very little? Yep, me too! 

Well, this is where the home reset comes in. 

A home reset can be done at any time of the year if your home needs it, but resetting in January is the perfect time. What a productive way to get your year off to a great start! 

My guide shows you what to do – but how you go about it and devote your time to it is up to you. 

Every person, family and home setup is unique. Some might manage a different room each day, while others will happily manage one room each week. The latter is my personal favourite. It depends on the space you’re working on and which tasks you will do, not everything on the lists will apply.

Your home is your safe space. Your sanctuary from the outside world. Are you ready to make it a place that welcomes you with open arms when you walk through your front door?

Let’s go!


Create calm in 4 easy steps


STEP 1 Assess your home

What do you want to change or improve? Which areas are bothering you? How do you want it to look and feel? Take 5 or 10 minutes to walk around your entire home to identify the areas that need attention. Simply take it all in as you visit each space, or jot down notes on a piece of paper to create a list that you can check off. Decide where you will begin based on your ‘messy meter’ findings.


STEP 2 Tidy & Declutter

“Tidying deals with objects; cleaning deals with dirt.” 

Marie Kondo.

It’s just not possible to clean a messy house quickly or easily, which is why the first step is to tidy and declutter. Eliminating the excess is fundamental for ease of cleaning, and at the same time, you will be creating a more serene environment to live in.

You’ll need a rubbish bag, a donation bag (or two!) and a basket or bag to collect things that belong elsewhere in the home. Set a timer for 15, 20, or 30 minutes, whatever you can manage, and get to work!

  • Work the room in a clockwise direction.
  • Tidy the surfaces and floor.
  • Pick up and put away, decluttering as you go.
  • Let go of things you no longer use, need or love.
  • Rearrange furniture if required.
  • Plump cushions, fold blankets, make beds.
  • Straighten books and magazines.
  • Remove dead foliage from houseplants.
  • Relocate items to their proper home.
  • Do a mini wardrobe edit
  • Declutter the fridge or freezer
  • Pick a cupboard, drawer or shelf to empty, declutter and reorganise.
  • Bin the rubbish.
  • Bag up anything for donation.
  • Remove bags from the home promptly and donate as soon as you can.


STEP 3 Clean

Now your space is tidy and the excess removed, it should be nice and easy to clean.

Remember, this is a RESET and not a daily or weekly cleaning routine, so it’s important not to get caught up with regular everyday chores. Focus on the occasional cleaning jobs that need attention right now. Those tasks we sometimes ‘forget’ about! See below my suggested list and pick the ones that make sense to you. Tweak to suit.

You’ll need a microfibre cloth or two and warm water. A cloth designed for cleaning glass is also a good idea. Refresh the water and wring out the cloth regularly, replacing it with a clean one when it gets dirty.

  • Glass, mirrors and screens, including glass in windows and doors 
  • Lighting, light fixtures and lamps
  • Doors and woodwork, including the front door, window ledges and skirting boards
  • Damp dust surfaces
  • Vacuum upholstery and floors, moving furniture where required
  • Shake small rugs outside
  • Large appliances – fridge/freezer, oven, dishwasher, washing machine
  • Shower


STEP 4 Style

As you complete the reset of each room in your home, you may wish to style it for the season too. However, this doesn’t have to be complicated. 

When you remove the clutter and regain control of each space, your mind feels free and you can think more clearly. You might feel differently about some of the things you see. Do you feel like a change? Did you notice anything looking tired? Is it time to replace the towels for example? 

If no big changes are required, keep it simple with a few, small decor touches here and there. You could add some greenery to your space in the form of a houseplant or a beautiful vase of flowers. Fresh or faux, you’ll get the same stylish result for your home as well as a mood boost. Orchids are my absolute favourite. As well as looking very zen and luxe, they are a more cost-effective option than fresh flowers as they last a lot longer and bloom for months!

Another easy addition could be a lovely candle or diffuser in your favourite scent that will subtly fragrance the atmosphere and add a stylish touch to your space.


So, there you have it: four easy steps to resetting your home for the new year. Where will you begin?

If you’d like a more structured approach with daily prompts to keep you motivated and on track, I run a zone-cleaning programme throughout the year on Instagram and Facebook. This is an organised method designed to help you maintain a clean and tidy home without the overwhelm. 

The New Year Reset Your Home Challenge is currently underway, so if that sounds like something you’d find helpful, follow me on either platform to join in!

Join the New Year Reset Your Home Challenge on Instagram 

Join the New Year Reset Your Home Challenge on Facebook 

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